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Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

The first course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate introduces participants to the essential realm of data analytics, a field critical for organizations aiming to enhance their operations, spot trends, innovate new products, and make informed decisions. Developed by Google, the curriculum offers hands-on learning experiences, covering a broad range of topics in data analytics. It serves as a comprehensive introduction to the Google Data Analytics Certificate program, with current Google data analysts providing instruction and practical methods for performing typical data analyst tasks using leading tools and resources.

Upon completing this certificate program, learners will be prepared to pursue introductory-level data analyst positions. The course is accessible to all, requiring no prior experience.

By the conclusion of the course, participants will have accomplished the following:

– Acquired knowledge of the practices and processes utilized by junior or associate data analysts in their routine work.

– Gained insights into crucial analytical skills such as data cleaning, data analysis, and data visualization, along with tools like spreadsheets, SQL, R programming, and Tableau, enhancing their professional skill set.

– Learned about a diverse range of terms and concepts pertinent to a junior data analyst’s role, including the data life cycle and the data analysis process.

– Assessed the significance of analytics within the data ecosystem.

– Undertaken an analytical thinking self-assessment.

– Investigated career opportunities available post-program completion and discovered best practices for job searching.

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