The fourth installment of the Google Data Analytics Certificate furthers the learner’s proficiency in data analytics, diving deeper into the essential concepts and tools utilized by data analysts. This course emphasizes the critical skills of checking and cleansing data using spreadsheets and SQL, alongside techniques for validating and reporting on the outcomes of data cleaning processes. Instruction is provided by experienced Google data analysts, offering direct, practical guidance for executing typical data analysis tasks with the most effective tools and resources.
Designed to prepare individuals for entry-level data analyst positions, this program is accessible without the need for prior experience.

Upon the conclusion of this course, learners will be capable of:
– Assessing data for accuracy and consistency to ensure data integrity.
– Implementing data cleaning techniques proficiently using spreadsheets.
– Crafting basic SQL queries for database operations.
– Employing fundamental SQL functions for data cleaning and transformation.
– Validating the effectiveness of data cleaning efforts.
– Composing a comprehensive and clear data cleaning report, detailing the processes undertaken and the results achieved.