This repository contains the implementation of a project aimed at head pose estimation using a custom Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The project utilizes the Columbia Gaze dataset, involving steps from data preprocessing, creating synthetic labels for attention and distraction, to training a custom CNN model.
This project aims to estimate head poses (attention and distraction)…
This code performs classification using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm combined with CURE-SMOTE oversampling.
It is designed to handle imbalanced datasets and evaluate the model performance through k-fold cross-validation. GitHub:
This is a project aimed at recognizing Nastaliq handwritten script, a form of Persian calligraphy. The project involves detecting writing items using contours and regrouping them based on geometric proximity.
It uses a custom dataset of Nastaliq words and character combinations along with a CNN-BDLSTM hybrid model to recognize the text. GitHub:
This project aimed at recognizing Persian handwritten characters. The project employs a hybrid model integrating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) networks to capture both spatial and sequential features essential for accurate recognition of Persian script.
The model is evaluated using accuracy, precision, and recall metrics. The results are validated using…
Using a large enough dataset is so important in a neural network based handwriting recognition solutions. On the other hand, producing natural datasets is so complicated and time-consuming. In this paper, we compare the effect of using synthesized datasets and natural datasets in state of the art neural network based solutions. For natural solution based…
In this paper, we review classic handwriting recognition processes and controversial issues by details. In addition, since there are presented the state of the art approaches based on neural networks solutions, we review RNN approaches. Furthermore, as the database is an important factor in RNN based solutions, we survey the most important datasets for the…
In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed an unprecedented surge in innovation and application. Among the most groundbreaking developments is the advent of generative AI, a class of algorithms designed to create content. This technology is not just automating routine tasks; it's revolutionizing the way we think about creativity in industries…